Memory UpgradeTM is a great tasting, natural fruit-flavored citrus cooler containing choline and essential nutrient cofactors. This Designer Food dietary supplement is designed by Life Extension scientists Durk Pearson & Sandy Shaw® for their own daily use.
Some of the choline in your diet is used by your brain and motor nerves to make the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is critical for proper memory function and muscle tone.* Use Memory Upgrade for Creative Energy.* You'll love the taste - you'll love the feeling!
Suggested Use: For adults only. Place one level tablespoon of mix in 4 to 8 ounces (1/2 to 1 cup) of cold water or fruit juice. Stir briskly and drink. Serve over ice for best flavor. Consume as desired, 2 to 3 times per day.
Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Use only as directed. Not for use by children, lactating or pregnant women, persons with Parkinson's disease, manic-depressive psychosis, persons with Wilson's disease, or those taking anticholinergic drugs. Consumption of too much choline may increase muscle tone which may produce temporary symptoms such as stiff neck, muscle tension headaches, or gastric cramps. Persons with ulcers or a history of ulcers should consult their physician before using a choline supplement. The high niacin content may cause skin flushing, redness, a feeling of heat, and itching, which usually last about half an hour. The niacin flush is harmless and can be minimized with regular use and by taking this product on a full stomach. Avoid the use of antacids containing aluminum when taking this product.
By Ron Toledo, OH. on 11/23/2011
I couldn’t live without the Memory Upgrade. I work in the IT world, so I’m on call 24/7. Anytime a server breaks down, it’s my responsibility to go fix it and get the company up and running again. I have to stay sharp and on call for many hours at a time – we’re talking sometimes 15 hours stretches. Memory Upgrade definitely keeps me on task for a long period of time. It’s the greatest thing in the world.
By Phyllis Sonoma, CA. on 10/24/2011
I have been much more gray than blue. And I’m 70 years old and have never understood what it was like to be down in the dumps before. I have just wanted to crawl in a hole and say, “This is it.” I just couldn’t get out of it. And I was so off balance! I just couldn’t think. And I’m the person who brings everybody else up. I didn’t want to go on drugs. Then I remembered Durk and Sandy’s Focus product from a while ago and went in search of it only to find that Memory Upgrade is the new Focus. And—Oh my gosh—what a difference! I feel like I’m young again. I’m ready to go on and do projects that I wanted to do! It was like—BOOM. It’s fantastic.
By Don AZ. on 9/23/2011
The Memory Upgrade helps me keep my mind focused on the task at hand and even seems to help with hand and eye coordination.
By Betty CA. on 9/23/2011
I’m using the Memory Upgrade because I know that it’s supported my memory. So many people have commented on how sharp I am - boy am I staying alert! I would never, ever go off the Memory Upgrade unless Durk and Sandy come up with something better.
By Ken Mitchell NH. on 2/25/2011
I am VERY impressed by Memory Upgrade's effectiveness. I am nearly 59. By the second day of taking the product, I found I was much more focused, had much better instincts . . . I could multi-task much more easily and not forget any one thing at the expense of another. MU makes me feel years younger, much more confident, and stabilizes my mood at a high, positive level, eliminating aggravation. I love it! The effect lasts about 4 hours for me, so a second dose near lunch works well. At the peak of the effect, one feels like one can handle anything that comes along quickly, and in the best possible way. I am in!
By Dr. Gail Marietta, GA. on 11/30/2009
I just wanted you to know that I put my mother on a high potency choline supplement along with a galantamine supplement 5 weeks ago, praying something would work to improve her failing memory. This is her 5th week and instead of just sitting there staring at us and not saying anything except “Is this where I live?,” she is actually joking, asking questions, and going back to church. Best yet, she may now be able to stay in her own home with her best buddy Gus, a labradoodle who would greatly miss her if she had to go to assisted living. I thank you … thank you … and thank you, and if you have any more suggestions, I welcome them.
By THEODORE Diamond Bar, CA. on 4/27/2009
I’ve been taking BLAST II and Memory Upgrade for four years straight, and what a difference! In that time, I’ve clinched a prestigious position within NASA. I’ve created my first novel called Forever Pleasure: A Utopian Novel. I’ve found a publisher and now see it selling around the world.
And finally I created a new, innovative business venture. I was an aging, conformable worker. Now, I’m motivated and moving forward. Thanks to Durk and Sandy for formulating BLAST II and Memory Upgrade.
*FDA Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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